Reagent - Behaviour Driven Development
August 30, 2021
Today I’m going to share what I’ve learned in getting a Reagent project setup for Behaviour Driven Development.
These are the tools I’ve picked.
- Figwheel (hot reloading, test watchers, easy setup.)
- Reagent (our ui library, react-like for clojurescript)
- React Testing Library (ui testing library)
Some roadblocks I found is by trying to run lein fig:test
as test failed for some unknown reason.
Later I found out that lein fig:test
doesn’t import npm modules, and I almost gave up on the whole thing.
My core modules where importing correctly npm modules and I later found that just by running lein fig:build
both the application and test runners both on hot-reload (changing code reloads both test and application)!.
The application runs at http://localhost:9500/
and my test runner at http://localhost:9500/figwheel-extra-main/auto-testing
The test runner even includes push notifications ❤️
So let’s create a component that renders the game over state, including announcing the winner if there are any.
Here are our test:
(ns tic-tac-toe-web.core-test
[tic-tac-toe-clj.constants :refer [new-game]]
[tic-tac-toe-web.core :refer [game-over]]
["@testing-library/react" :as rtl]
[reagent.core :as r]
[cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing use-fixtures]]))
(use-fixtures :each
{:after rtl/cleanup})
(defn with-mounted-component [comp f]
(let [mounted-component (rtl/render (r/as-element comp))]
(f mounted-component)
(.unmount mounted-component)
(deftest game-over-component
(testing "It should be empty if the game is not over"
[game-over new-game]
(fn [component]
(-> component
(.queryByText "Game Over!")))))))
(testing "It should say Game over."
[game-over (assoc new-game :over? true)]
(fn [component]
(not (nil? (-> component
(.queryByText "Game Over!")
(testing "It should display the winner"
[game-over (assoc new-game :over? true :winner "X")]
(fn [component]
(= false
(nil? (-> component
(.queryByText "X Wins!")))))))))
Here I create a helper function, with-mounted-component
that allows me to render it in a test dom.
I also have three test:
- That the “Game Over!” text doesn’t show if the game is not over.
- That the “Game Over!” text does show if the game is over.
- That the “X Wins!” text does show if X is the winner.
Here is the code component make these pass.
(defn game-over [game]
[:h2 (cond
(not (nil? (:winner game)))
(str (:winner game) " Wins!")
(:over? game)
(str "Game Over!")
So what kind of tests should we write for the tic-tac-toe board 🤔?
- It renders empty spaces when the game is empty.
- It renders filled spaces with proper player mark when the game is not empty.
- It changes the board state properly when clicking on an empty board spot.
Alright! Let’s see how these test look like, onward!
(deftest board-component-test
(testing "It should be empty if the board is empty"
(fn [component]
(= 9
(-> component
(.queryAllByLabelText #"empty-board-space")
(testing "It should change board state when clicking on an empty index"
(fn [component]
(click-element (.getByLabelText component "empty-board-space-[0 0]"))
(= X
(-> component
(.queryByLabelText (str X "-play-" [0 0]))
Next we’ll make these pass!
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Written by Edgardo Carreras.