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Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player UX/UI

September 17, 2021


Last time we looked at the implementation requirements in order to have a bi-directional communication between players interested in playing a tic tac toe game online.

Today we’ll be looking how we want our players experience would look like.

We have two types of user:

  • Player who wants to host a new game.
  • Player who wants a join a game.

Here is a high level experience flow for each user.

tic-tac-toe pvp ux

This diagram allows us to describe better what kind of specifications we could use for our UI tests:

  • On the play options component we want to have a new option for Online Vs Mode
  • On clicking the online vs option the player should see two options: join or host a new game.
  • On clicking the host a new game options the user should see an input with the label New Room Name
  • On clicking the host a new game options the user should see a disabled button with the label Create Room
  • After typing the room name in the room name input the Create Room button becomes enabled.
  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “waiting for opponent to join” on the screen.
  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “share this room address to your opponent!” on the screen.
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show an input with the label Room Addresss.
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show a disabled button with the label Join Room.
  • After a user types in the ‘Room Address’ input it should enable the Join Room button.
  • After clicking the Join Game button it should show the new game board.


  • On the play options component we want to have a new option for Online Vs Mode


 (testing "It should show Online VS Mode option"
      (fn [component]
          (label-component-in-dom? component ":online-vs-mode")))))

Production Code:

(def play-mode-options
  [{:label (:local-mode INTL) :value :local}
   {:label (:ai-mode INTL) :value :ai}
   {:label (:online-vs-mode INTL) :value :online-vs}])
  • On clicking the online vs option the player should see two options: join or host a new game.


(testing "It should create or join room options after clicking online vs moe"
      (fn [component]
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component ":online-vs-mode"))
          (label-component-in-dom? component "join-game"))
          (label-component-in-dom? component "host-game")))))

Production Code:

(def online-options
  [{:label (:host-game-option INTL)
    :value :host-game}
   {:label (:join-game-option INTL)
    :value :join-game}])

(defn play-menu []
  (let [options (atom default-game-options)
        go-back-to-menu #(reset! options default-game-options)]
    (fn []
        (nil? (:play-mode @options))
        [play-mode-menu #(swap! options assoc :play-mode %)]
        (and (= :ai (:play-mode @options))
             (nil? (:ai-difficulty @options)))
        [difficulty-ai-menu #(swap! options assoc :ai-difficulty %)]
        (and (= :ai (:play-mode @options))
             (nil? (:first-player @options)))
        [goes-first-menu #(swap! options assoc :first-player %)]
        (= :online-vs (:play-mode @options))
        [tic-tac-toe-board go-back-to-menu @options]))))
  • On clicking the host a new game options the user should see an input with the label New Room Name


(testing "It should show an New Room Name input after clicking host game option"
      (fn [component]
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component ":online-vs-mode"))
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component "host-game"))
          (label-component-in-dom? component "new-room-input")))))

Production code:

(defn create-room-form []
   [:label (:create-room-name-label INTL)]
   [:input {:aria-label "new-room-input"}]])

(defn play-menu []
  (let [options (atom default-game-options)
        go-back-to-menu #(reset! options default-game-options)]
    (fn []
        (and (= :online-vs (:play-mode @options))
             (= :host-game (:online-mode @options)))
        [tic-tac-toe-board go-back-to-menu @options]))))
  • On clicking the host a new game options the user should see a disabled button with the label Create Room


  (testing "It should show an Create Room button disabled after clicking host game option"
      (fn [component]
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component ":online-vs-mode"))
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component "host-game"))
        (is (= true (-> component
                        (.queryByLabelText "create-room-button")
                        (. -disabled)))))))

Production code:

(defn create-room-form []
   [:label (:create-room-name-label INTL)]
   [:input {:aria-label "new-room-input"}]
   [:button {:aria-label "create-room-button"
             :disabled true}
    (:create-room-button INTL)]])
  • After typing the room name in the room name input the Create Room button becomes enabled.


 (testing "It should enable the Create Room button after typing on the room name input "
      (fn [component]
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component ":online-vs-mode"))
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component "host-game"))
        (change-input (.getByLabelText component "new-room-input") "room-name")
        (is (= false (-> component
                         (.queryByLabelText "create-room-button")
                         (. -disabled)))))))

Production Code:

(defn create-room-form []
  (let [room-name (atom "")]
    (fn []
       [:label (:create-room-name-label INTL)]
       [:input {:aria-label "new-room-input"
                :type "text"
                :value @room-name
                :on-change #(reset! room-name (-> % .-target .-value))}]
       [:button {:aria-label "create-room-button"
                 :disabled   (= "" @room-name)}
        (:create-room-button INTL)]])))

We’ll see the missing implementation of our specifications next time on part DEUX!


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Written by Edgardo Carreras.

© 2024, Edgardo Carreras