Edgardo Carreras | Blog

Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player UX/UI Part Deux

September 20, 2021


tic-tac-toe pvp ux Picking up from last week, today we’ll start by implementing the missing specifications for our Player vs Player user experience.

  • On the play options component we want to have a new option for `Online Vs Mode`
  • On clicking the online vs option the player should see two options: join or host a new game.
  • On clicking the `host a new game options` the user should see an input with the label `New Room Name`
  • On clicking the `host a new game options` the user should see a disabled button with the label `Create Room`
  • After typing the room name in the room name input the `Create Room` button becomes enabled.
  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “waiting for opponent to join” on the screen.
  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “share this room address to your opponent!” on the screen.
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show an input with the label Room Addresss.
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show a disabled button with the label Join Room.
  • After a user types in the ‘Room Address’ input it should enable the Join Room button.
  • After clicking the Join Game button it should show the new game board.


  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “waiting for opponent to join” on the screen.
  • After clicking the Create Room button the hosting player should see “share this room address to your opponent!” on the screen.


 (testing "It should loading after host creates a room"
      (fn [component]
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component ":online-vs-mode"))
        (click-element (.getByLabelText component "host-game"))
        (change-input (.getByLabelText component "new-room-input") "room")
        (click-element (.queryByLabelText component "create-room-button"))
          (label-component-in-dom? component "loading-room")))))

Production Code

(defn loading-room [room-id]
  [:div {:aria-label "loading-room"}
   [:p "Waiting on opponent to join game"]
   [:p {:aria-label "room-id"} (str "Share this address with your opponent " room-id)]])

(defn play-menu-factory []
  (let [options (atom default-game-options)
        go-back-to-menu #(reset! options default-game-options)]
    (fn []
      (let [{:keys [play-mode ai-difficulty first-player online-mode room-id] } @options
            ai-mode? (= :ai play-mode)
            online-mode? (= :online-vs play-mode)
            hosting-game? (= :host-game online-mode)]
          (nil? (:play-mode @options))
          [play-mode-menu #(swap! options assoc :play-mode %)]
          (and ai-mode?
               (nil? ai-difficulty))
          [difficulty-ai-menu #(swap! options assoc :ai-difficulty %)]
          (and ai-mode?
               (nil? first-player))
          [goes-first-menu #(swap! options assoc :first-player %)]
          (and online-mode?
               (nil? online-mode))
          [online-vs-menu #(swap! options assoc :online-mode %)]
          (and online-mode?
               (nil? room-id))
          [create-room-form #(swap! options assoc :room-id %)]
          (and online-mode?
               (not (nil? room-id)))
          [loading-room room-id]
          [tic-tac-toe-board go-back-to-menu @options])))))
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show an input with the label Room Addresss.
  • After a user clicks Join Game option it should show a disabled button with the label Join Room.
  • After a user types in the ‘Room Address’ input it should enable the Join Room button.

Actually as I wrote this blog I found that these stories I want to replace them with this simpler one:

So for this I want to leverage a library that handles client side routing. So lets say the link might be: http://localhost:3000/join-game/:multiaddrs/:room-name Where multiaddrs and room name would be parameters sent down to the application so that the joining player can connect to peer and join game.

  • After a player who navigates the link the hosting player shares, they should able to see the loading the game.

I spent all night on setting up client side routing and went to bed defeated, hopefully tomorrow will go better!


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Edgardo Carreras

Written by Edgardo Carreras.

© 2025, Edgardo Carreras