Bevy Game Jam: Lessons Learned from Solo Game Development.
April 11, 2023Join me as I share my experience participating in a game jam, the challenges I faced, the tools and techniques I used, and the lessons I learned. Whether you're a beginner or experienced game developer, you'll find valuable insights and inspiration to help you create your own games. From defining a game loop to designing graphics and sound effects, I'll take you through the process step by step. Discover how I tackled multiple features and built a top-down adventure game with Bevy, the Rust game engine. Read on for valuable tips and tricks that will help you create your next game!
Test-Driven Development in Rust Game Development with Bevy
March 03, 2023In this article, we will explore test-driven development (TDD) in the context of developing a game in Rust using the Bevy engine…
The Importance of Professionalism in the Software Industry: Lessons Learned from a Decade in the Field
February 03, 2023Are you a software developer looking to improve your professionalism? Learn about the attitudes and actions you should avoid to become a more professional developer with these tips.
The Software Stack for the Web 3.0 Developer.
January 14, 2022If you are a web developer looking to build decentralized applications and want to learn the tools, frameworks, and languages that will…
My Usual Code Review Rant.
January 04, 2022Please take this with a grain of salt. Everything has its tradeoff and what I'm about to say are values generally shared by legendary…
Clean Coders Apprenticeship - Lessons Learned.
November 28, 2021Throughout my apprenticeship, I've been tasked with planning a software project and practicing code katas to design and implement systems…
Tic-tac-toe Leaderboards - Datomic Implementation
November 02, 2021Lets implement a Leaderboard feature to our tic-tac-toe game using our datomic persistence.
Tic-tac-toe Leaderboards Interface Implementation!
November 01, 2021Lets implement a Leaderboard feature to our tic-tac-toe game using our file persistence.
Tic-tac-toe Leaderboards!
October 29, 2021Lets implement a Leaderboard feature to our tic-tac-toe game.
Datomic Persistence Implementation - Queries!
October 27, 2021Lets implement our datomic persistence queries four our polymorphic interface.
Polymorphic Interface Datomic Persistence Implementation
October 26, 2021Lets implement our datomic persistence using our polymorphic interface.
Datomic Setup
October 25, 2021I had a lot of issues setting up datomic for leiningen, so here I show what I've learned.
Polymorphic Interface File Persistence Implementation
October 22, 2021Lets implement our file persistence using our polymorphic interface.
Persistence Refactoring - Polymorphic Interface
October 21, 2021Lets look into applying some Dependency Inversion Principle to our persistence feature in tic-tac-toe.
Clean Software Architecture
October 20, 2021Writing a software program that works does not require much knowledge or skill. On the other hand, getting software right is hard. When software is written clean, you no longer need many programmers to keep it working or have a massive list of bugs whenever the software adds new features.
Persisting Tic-Tac-Toe State on Server Restarts
October 19, 2021So far we've been keeping state of the server tic-tac-toe game application in memory but no more, here we will implement saving the state in a file.
Polymorphic Components
October 18, 2021Making the most out of our ui components using polymorphism at runtime with hiccup.
Tic-Tac-Toe Server State Management in Clojure
October 14, 2021Managing our state of our tic-tac-toe clojure server implementation.
Tic-Tac-Toe Server TDD
October 13, 2021Developing our server side render application with TDD.
Overriding Java Classes in Clojure
October 12, 2021How can we extend Java classes in the clojure namespace?
Hiccup and Reagent Code Reuse.
October 11, 2021Refactoring our menu options in our reagent code to be able to change behaviour of interactive elements.
HTML Server Generation in Clojure
October 07, 2021Generating HTML on the server using clojure JVM.
Clean Socket Server in Clojure
October 06, 2021Making our Socket Server more generic for clojure use
JARs and Clojure
October 05, 2021👋 Hello again!! Today and in the next couple of week we will be looking into crating our java socet server into a library in the form of a…
Clean HTTP Socket - What I've Learned
October 04, 2021👋 Well hello there!! Today we are going to go over our Java Https socket server implementation. We are also going to look a few things that…
Clean Socket Server HTTP HTML Response
September 27, 2021👋 Hey there!! Today we have a simple goal. Let's make a socket server that on visiting /hello on the browser it responds with a html…
Clean Socket Server
September 23, 2021👋 Hey there!! Since my early days working in development agencies I have always been chasing network problems to solve. As a teenager…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player Network Messages
September 22, 2021👋!! Alright now lets get to the good stuff, lets make both peers interface with our game through our pubsub. This is the message protocol I…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player Routing
September 21, 2021👋!! Picking up from yesterday, we where adding test to our player vs player UI expereince. I've notice we wanted to add the feature to…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player UX/UI Part Deux
September 20, 2021👋!! Picking up from last week, today we'll start by implementing the missing specifications for our Player vs Player user experience…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Player vs Player UX/UI
September 17, 2021👋!! Last time we looked at the implementation requirements in order to have a bi-directional communication between players interested in…
Tic-Tac-Toe - LibP2P Peer to Peer Utils
September 16, 2021👋!! Today we'll be looking into LibP2P helper libraries from our IPFS library we mention yesterday. So today's main goal is to explore the…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Creating a Pub Sub Room
September 15, 2021👋!! Last time we were exploring the IPFS library in order to implement our player vs player feature for our Tic Tac Toe Game. After a lot…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Peer 2 Peer with IPFS
September 14, 2021👋!! Last time we worked on making sure we had all features on both our cli and web UIs. We removed a lot of duplicate added more test on…
Tic-Tac-Toe Web - Game Factory
September 10, 2021👋!! Today I want to remove duplication of the code I have in both our web and cli versions where possible. It seems both of them have a say…
Tic-Tac-Toe - Supporting CLI and Web!
September 09, 2021Up to this point we've been keeping iterating on our web version, our tic-tac-toe core by optimizing and adding new features. In doing so we…
Tic-Tac-Toe Clojure Project Code Organization
September 08, 2021Today I want realized that working with two different repositories for our tic tac toe game is becoming painful to mantain. We made some…
Tic-Tac-Toe Web - Play against the AI!
September 03, 2021👋!! Let's pick up where we left of yesterday. We worked on getting a play menu, asking the player if they want to play agains another…
Tic-Tac-Toe Web - UI/UX, Menus and Red green refactor!
September 02, 2021👋 Today we are going to improve the styling of our tic-tac-toe, we've been focusing on behaviour and functionality up until now. This is…
Reagent - Behaviour Driven Development Part II
September 01, 2021Yesterday we worked on our tic tac toe web ui project to use reagent with behaviour driven development tools. We left some failing test for…
Reagent - Behaviour Driven Development
August 30, 2021Today I'm going to share what I've learned in getting a Reagent project setup for Behaviour Driven Development. These are the tools I've…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure - Part 6 Web UI with Reagent
August 29, 2021Today we showcased the CLI version of the tic tac toe to our 'client', everything went well. Now we will work toward this story: Create…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure - Part 5 Performance Optimization
August 27, 2021Yesterday we looked at applying the minimax algorithm to our unbeatable tic tac toe in clojure. We hit a performance issue where our AI…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure - Part 4 MiniMax Algorithm
August 26, 2021Yesterday we started looking into implementing the Minimax Algorithm. We started with the scoring algorithm But our scoring algorithm should…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure - Part 3 AI
August 25, 2021Let's build an unbeatable AI for the game tic-tac-toe! Let's use the minimax algorithm commonly used in AI applications for zero-sum games…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure (Part 2)
August 24, 2021Greetings 🖖! Yesterday we talked about some pain points we encountered developing our Tic tac toe cli ui in Clojure. Today we are going to…
Preemptive Postmortem
August 23, 2021Last week we met with our 'client' to plan the deliverables for the upcoming sprint (1 week). We created a few stories. As a player I want…
Tic Tac Toe in Clojure (Part 1)
August 18, 2021Today we are tackling the tic tac toe game in clojure! Previously I did this game in javascript you can play against my unbeatable ai here…
Coin Changer Kata
August 17, 2021Coin Changer Kata
Project Euler Part 4
August 16, 2021Welcome back! We skipped over the 9th Euler Project so lets tackle that one next. Fun fact Euler and I share the same birthday :D! 9th…
Project Euler Part 3
August 15, 2021Welcome back! Lets continuing our journey through the Euler Project. 8th problem: By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 1…
Project Euler Part 2
August 13, 2021Welcome back! Today we are continuing our journey through the Euler Project. 4th problem: A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The…
Project Euler Part I
August 12, 2021Project Euler is a website dedicated to a series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs. The project…
Red Green Refactor Bowling Kata
August 10, 2021Bowling Scoring in Clojure using Red-Green Refactor
Bowling Kata
August 09, 2021Bowling Scoring in Clojure
Prime Factors Kata
August 03, 2021I did my first kata yesterday and recorded it, the prime factors kata in Clojure. The idea behind a kata is to practice your programming…
Tail Recursions
August 02, 2021Today I learned about loop and recursion in Clojure. This works fine with small numbers but, once you get big integers the stack fills up…
Path to Enlightenment (Clojure koems)
August 01, 2021Today I'm focusing on Clojure Koems. Koems are like TDD, but the test are written out for you, so you only have to make them pass. This…
My Ikigai
July 31, 2021Join me as I start my clean coders apprenticeship program learning Clojure.